Most sections of Lin Ma Hang Road between Man Kam To Road and Lin Ma Hang have been excised from the Frontier Closed Area (FCA) since the implementation of the last stage of FCA reduction on 4 January 2016. To cope with the anticipated traffic growth upon opening of the FCA and to provide a safer road environment for local villagers and visitors, Highways Department (HyD) is planning to widen the existing Lin Ma Hang Road at the sections between Ping Yuen River and Ping Che Road (Western Section) and between Tsung Yuen Ha and Lin Ma Hang (Eastern Section).
For the Western section, the existing 3.5m wide single track access road will be widened to a standard 7.3m wide single two-lane carriageway with 2m wide footpath on both sides of the carriageway.
The preliminary design scheme for the Eastern Section proposes to widen the existing 3.5m wide singe track access road to a standard 6.75m wide single two-lane carriageway with 2m wide footpath on one side of the carriageway.
HyD is responsible for implementing this road widening project and has appointed a project consultant to conduct investigation study and detailed design for the project. For Western Section, HyD just completed public consultation for the preliminary design scheme for the Western Section and is arranging to gazette the project under Roads (Work, Use & Compensation) Ordinance. For Eastern Section, the consultant is conducting Environmental Impact Assessment and public consultation for the preliminary design scheme of the road widening works.
HyD is carrying out a public consultation on the proposed preliminary design scheme for widening the Eastern Section of Lin Ma Hang Road. You are welcomed to submit comments through post, fax or email on or before 31 May 2016.
A Community Forum for Eastern Section of Lin Ma Hang Road Widening Works is scheduled to be held on 21 May 2016 (Saturday) between 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Ta Kwu Ling Community Hall. You are welcomed to attend the Community Forum and express your views on the proposed preliminary design scheme.
For interested parties, please make reservation at 2268-3390 or via
During the public consultation period, you are welcomed to submit comments on the widening of Eastern Section of Lin Ma Hang Road either to us through post, fax or emails as listed below on or before 31 May 2016. All comments received would be passed to the project consultants for consideration.
Please indicate “Lin Ma Hang Road Widening Works”.
Post: Arup, Level 5, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon; or
Fax: 2268 -3955